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Paul Gustard - Where To Get Coaching Tips

Where do you get your inspiration from to add new things into your game and why change is good

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Well then sir, that's a wonderful thing, you know, so you can often find bits and pieces there. So obviously I think the think most relevant things is I try and take some experiences from obviously what we plan to assassinate. What are the premise of size will play what happens in the rubber what happened to the super 15 what happens tri-nations? What happens in Six Nations? See common trends at play what happens see how you're going to try to evolve your style of obesity. So what's the call here? It's gonna polar and then they gather round even try and drive over from 5 meters. It was initially a fairly solid Saints defensive wedge, but saracens are making ground now and they're feeling around with that stuff. What is the most relevant thing that I can help progress the side? So if I see something happen in the super 15, and I would like to try to implement that take it back to its lowest common denominator and then build up again from there to try and bring it to