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Tackling 1 - Tracking

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As Defenders one of the key mistakes we make is not getting into a good position to make a tackle our first set of tackling exercises introduces the concept of tracking or controlling your movement in relation to an approaching opponent in practice one the blue defending players pair up with the attackers the defender should mirror their opponents running lines getting close and using a two-handed touch as a tackle. It's all you're going to do is Meander in move it in or just round to the side and these guys here. Okay. I just want us to stay nice and upright moving in moving in a following following following following and try keeping Square all the time until we get a 200 touch just run through and then we'll go back the other way. Okay off we go. Good. Okay run through again. So tracking all the time think about body management good. Well Todd the tackling must constantly control their movement meringue the attacker and tracking him to the point of contact. The aim is to get close enough to make an effective tackle. So for any moment a Time Harry I come to tackle Harry. I've tracked him here and I do that. What am I suspect above at the last minute. So I step then I get into a weak position. So the notion of tracking of keeping my feet move your feet move it and then I'm looking all the time to try and get my position a strong position to make a tackle. We call it tackling on the tacklers terms. He's not going to dictate to me how I want to tackle. I'm going to dictate to him how I want to tackle in summary the tackling player must track the attacker by mirroring his movements always moving towards the point of contact players must keep balanced on their toes and avoid planting both feet on the ground. The aim is to get close to the attacker in a position where an effective tackled could be made.