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Head position - How To Coach

Making sure that defenders put their head on the correct side is the most important aspect of tackling, coaches can improve confidence by using contact shields and surprise tactics to help train players improve their technique

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So you're going to run forwards and either go to his right or to his left you're going to in bag round and just drive try and driving backwards. You're not tackling him. Okay, it's just a bit of contact drive and then let him go come to the side boys. So as you start to come forward you can start to come forward ready. Let's go beat him good though that stop bit further back that further back right now beat him. Go beat him. Good keep that bag in tight. So in this exercise we're going to have you facing the other way. So as you could turn round and go to defend you will move one or the other side's I'm going to clap my hands for this one and you try and beat him ready go good. Stop there back we go. You must keep the bag in tight. You make the bag slip it must stay on your chest. Ready, go meet him. Nice Alex. Good back. We come back we come I want a bit more paste from you, please go. Whoa. All right, so you tackle the arm. You've got to tackle with your shoulder. My excellent Alex good head position. Keep that bag on your chest the back my stone and chest last one really good go excellent. Stop there.