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Players - Rugby Drills Coaching Library

Categories > Fly Half

Coaching Process-Course Structure

The coaching course is designed to assist coaches to be better at coaching and does not focus on increasing rugby knowledge

There will be several opportunities to coach and receive feedback from the session review

Every review is an opportunity for the coach to learn. Even when participating as a player for someone else, the coach should be considering the process and how it affects their performance and understanding of the task

Positive and honest feedback within the coaching group is a valuable method in which to help each other become better coaches

The coaching process is based on:

Instruction and explanation


Observation and feedback



Video Subtitles

Thank you for recognizing the value of attending a UK CC level 1 coaching Rugby Union course everybody on this course will deliver a number of short practical coaching sessions fully supported by the coach educator and pairs this video provides an example of those practical elements. Firstly the tutor clarifies with you the coach a couple of objectives for the session just before you start the leadership of personal debt, that's full of thinking because your process what to personal things. Are you going to focus on this issue. The first thing I look at is the instruction side of things like about this morning and then secondly the demonstration making sure it's accurate in this case the coach elects to work on his coaching process skills with regard to Accurate instruction and demonstration. When you deliver the coach educator stands out of the way observing you while you run your session in a non-intrusive manner. Your session should focus on the personal action points that you have agreed with the coach educator and should include all elements of the coaching process. These are instruction to very simple rules. If you're the person making the touch on you take your team back five steps from that touch. Don't worry too much about pick it up. Just try and roll it demonstration. Okay. So if I'm playing has nailed deal makes a church. He goes back five steps. I put the ball down once he's there. I just pass it away and we play chuckle be done. If you just give me a demonstration over to Chris or been that's fine. Observation and Analysis. I wanted to look in particular that pass off the floor. I picked up on Chris his foot positioning the gods. Watch where Chris puts his feet. What do we notice? There's hope that Chris is chose Pious want to always point out to their fantastic pointing towards Luke Direction, which is looking to pass the ball. And feedback goes try again. So maybe put a little bit too closer to take a little step back and just try and just scoop and lift up. Yeah, not too bad. Not too bad much better. What about the control? Because you just using the one hand. Yeah. So what we're looking at there is just to get the ball moving quickly. So we'll build on the accuracy in the next couple of practices. But the first thing is just to get the ball moving off the floor quickly. Go personnel. To complete your session bring the players around and in summary draw from them the key learning points you expect it to put across to change of what we're looking for in that Neil what we're looking for the ball to do get away from the for really quickly. So yeah souping up right away clicking. Why is that important? So it doesn't trigger the defense and I don't get caught the but close to the rack. I didn't get tackled by the defense. So Penny while the key factors, we looked at in terms of the foot position your back foot is going to be close to the ball. And the other foot is going to be at wide pointing towards your target. Okay. Thank you so much for searching the coach educator will then join you in the group to review your coaching session in order to support an action your further development as a coach.