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Grubber Kick Progressions

Progress the technical skill of the kick into more of a game related scenario. The coach could vary the numbers of players in this practise. Always conclude the exercise by confirming the technical points

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Okay to do now is to go into will go forth. All right, one two, three four if I will have before and two fives all we're going to do John just go over on that. Come there, please Ali go about halfway there George go. There's if you play with me if I've got balls, I'll tip Perry's place. We're playing against these two. All right. So what we're going to do is we're going to just I've got the ball. He's got you're going to come in to here. All right, and then all we're going to do is just nudge through and that was a shocking kick. Absolutely Dreadful. All right, you got the idea. Yep. All right. So keep swapping around who's taking the kicks? Yeah. All right off you go. Good, make sure you behind the kick of please. Good touch get the correct weight on it John. Will you in front of him? Then? That's good. Can you guys go work that side the halfway line? So we don't get any collisions, please George work that side of the halfway line. Please keep taking it in turns of the kicking. Princess a that's an interception waiting to happen reiterate important points about the grub. Kick John Lee over the ball. Good luck. Good Perry just one or do I go through it? Okay. Look. Yep, okay, whereabouts in relation to your body if the middles here. Yep. Okay, just off to the side. Okay George's house. Yep. Did we say about where we strike the ball right towards the top of that ball. Yeah and head over the ball all the time really good well done.