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L2 - Outflanking Game

Skill Practice Description The objective of this game is to develop the ability to execute the 2 v 1 with consistent efficiency. • The attacking team initially has at least one extra players in order to create an advantage. • There is a channel on each wing in which only 1 defender and 2 attackers may enter at any time. • The attack works the play to get the ball into the outside channel then execute the 2 v 1. • With the extra players, the attack can also develop opportunities to penetrate the defence and so the game in not relying on lateral moment and still incorporates the principles of ‘go forward’. • The progression is to remove the cones and see if the players can still take advantage of the 2 v 1 without the conditions set within the channelled areas . • A further progression would be to even the numbers of each team. Key Coaching Points • Running lines to condense and hold defences in order to outflank. • Running lines in order to disrupt and penetrate the defence line. Relevance to the Game • Attacking players often fail to fix defenders effectively and may drift or over elaborate. • This game will assist in angles of run that fix the last defender

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Alright today, we are going to look at little game which incorporates trying to outflank a narrow defense and the culmination of outflanking. The defense will be to have a two-on-one in an outside channel. So the team that's defending is only ever allowed one player in the outside Channel, which is the Blue to White channel on that side and the Blue to White channel on that side. The attacking team can put two in there. So we should then work out if we can isolate that two-on-one to finish it and score a try each time. Hi. Go on Jack. Good. Well, don't just go back to the middle. We'll just start again. We don't this not a fitness exercise. Okay, black ball, please. Okay, okay. Okay defense put them under pressure and play. Leave it leave it knock down there Play on Play on Play out. Good. Well done race lovely Excellence where you are first principle there we talked about was go forward. What's another important principle of play? Support the ball carrier. So when that guy actually does that where does he want somebody immediately in behind him? Not like we're going over there, please. So get to the support quicker, please one. Good. Alright fair enough. Okay, yellows play out from that leave it. We gotta take it up twice please your mouth touch. Good good, too. Well done Ricardo. Okay come in.