A clip on attacking options from the 2009 Lions
This team play practice requires the team to be able to attacke with width and focusing on ball retention
Lions 2009 support and continuity work
A clip from the 2009 Lions
The ability to create attacking situations quickly is fundamental to creating pressure
Developing play from the scrum is an important part of the understanding of how the scrum is part of a gameplan
Lineout variation and practice
Defensive systems change according to where the team is on the pitch
A practice for developing understanding the role of chasers and counter kicking
Developimg attack plays through the backs
developing plays in attack
Developing attacking plays through the backs
Developing back play in attack
Developing attacking plays through the backs
This drill illustrates how attack can go from narrow channels to wide play very quickly, and players should practice this continually
The Lions drill for developing awareness of attack and defence options
Developing play through the backs
Developing linespeed is fundamental to applying pressure to an attack line
Where you are on the pitch can deterrmine the defensive system you play
Developing attack moves through the backs
The Oaklands College defence closes in to a loose ball, and Filton are able to exploit a 3 v 2
Using the wheel effectively opens up areas of space on the pitch to attack
Developing play in backs
It’s not a matter of going through a strike move repertoire. It is more about specific selection from the repertoire in order to attack identified targets according to the opposition and game situation
Attacking the space between the two teams is paramount and attacking the ball when running a support line will assist the offload and turn defenders
Developing linespeed, footwork and tracking
To take advantage of the forwards being grouped and to utilize the space this provides, young players should be encouraged to develop their decision making from a non-prescriptive environment.
It’s not a matter of going through a strike move repertoire. Its a matter of attacking the space between the two teams and running support lines that will assist the ball carrier
To take advantage of the forwards being grouped and to utilize the space this provides, the appropriate strike call needs to be made and space attacked
It’s not a matter of going through the strike move repertoire. It is about specific selection from the repertoire in order to attack identified areas of the opposition and game situations
Attacking the space between the two teams is paramount and attacking the ball when running a support line will assist the offload and turn defenders
Junior - Counter attack plays
Women's - Counter attack plays
To take advantage of the forwards being grouped and to utilize the space this provides, the appropriate strike call needs to be made and space attached.
Attacking the space between the two teams is paramount and attacking the ball when running support lines will assist the offload and turn defenders.
It’s not a matter of going through the strike move repertoire. It is about selecting appropriately from the repertoire according to the opposition and game situation.
Attacking the space between the two teams is paramount and attacking the ball when running support lines will assist the offload and turn defenders.
The Lions practice their lineouts
Not all kicks work out succesfully, in this clip the defenders turn a poor kick into a great counter attack
From the Lions 2009 tour, a support drill in a channel to encourage the ball carrier to move the defender and make space for the support player
A clip with a progression on defensive systems from the 2009 Lions Tour
Lions 2009 defence clip
A useful drill to build decision-making skills. Attackers must choose from a variety of running and passing options.
Lions 2009 defensive systems
This continuous exercise puts pressure on your players to think fast and be ruthless in attacking the space. Coaches can change the size of the grid and the number of defenders to make it an easier game
team play practice in a semi-opposed style assists the players in learning their roles and responsibilities
Developing play from the scrum is an important part of the understanding of how the scrum is part of a gameplan
Developing play from the scrum is an important part of the understanding of how the scrum is part of a gameplan
Lions 2009 support drills, with a progression
A good example of phase play to create a 2 v 1 attacking platform. The initial deep pass then creates an overlap and the defender drifts to allow the attacker to run through easily.
Key factors : Quick ball at breakdown - Straight lines of running - Deep pass - straight lines of running again - Loud communication
Positioning ready for the kick return is a systematic approach to countering pressure
Developing an awareness of how to apply pressure through an effective kick chase policy
Developing an awareness of applying pressure through an effective kick chase system
Where you are on the pitch can determine the defensive system that you can employ.
A dynamic practise for speed and quality of lifting in lineouts. This exercise can be used for 15's and 7's and for different age groups. The coaches can vary the distance of the cones and progress to both lifters moving. Coaches can add some fun by making it a competition. Key factors : The jumper must jump - Core body strength - Keep body stiff and straight - Lifters work together - Lock out arms - Bring the jumper down safely
Lineout variation and practice
Lineout variation and practice
Where you are on the pitch can determine you defensive system
A clip from the 2009 on defence systems
Tactical kicking can be undertaken by different players
Progressiing the scrum practice always requires the underlining of the basics of the unit skill
A great practice for ALL players in the scrum to adopt the best position to drive from. You can use tackle bags as well as tyres
A good practice to work on stopping an effective ball carrying player
Develop the front row as a foundation for the building of the scrum
Practice of team defence is important for reinforcing effective systems of defence that require aspects such as communication, pressure and drifting
The practice of a semi opposed team run is important for understanding by the players of their roles and responsibilities
With the new adjustments around the tackle zone, what variation would you adopt now so that this drill is now legal?
A passage of play that shows how to attack with more attackers than defenders, a 3 v 2. The winger shows that strong running and determination can break tackles. Click on the practises in this section for coaching ideas
Lineout variation and development
A good decision-making exercise which requires players to practice their basic running and passing skills
Watch the half backs and assess their effect on the game and the skills required to affect the game
Developing attack plays through the backs
This is a great game to keep players engaged by constantly testing their decision-making and execution in attack. Essentially, it's a 4 v 2 game where the attackers always have the advtantage, but they still have to make good decisions to score. It is a high-tempo game that requires the attackers to turn around and attack again straight after scoring.
While progressing your attacking shape be sure to include this exercise. With 2 waves of defence its crucial that your players learn to reload into a great shape in position.
Skill Practice Description • Two teams play normal touch rules. • 5 touch turnover. • When a touch is made, the game pauses and all defenders need to close in and place a hand on the shoulder of another defender. So all the defenders are bunched and in contact with each other. • The coach calls ‘play’ and the attack restarts. • The progression may be to leave one defender out of the bunch, which may provide a different challenge to the attack. • Then leave two defenders out of the bunch and slowly release the conditions to see if the attack can consistently identify opportunities to outflank or penetrate the defence. Key Coaching Points • Peripheral vision and general awareness. • Intuitive decision making. • Communication • Support and team work. Relevance to the Game • This game is designed to challenge the observation and decision making ability of the attack. • For the defence, it challenges the ability to cover quickly with both drift and sweeping defenders
Skill Practice Description • Within a game of touch the coach can at any breakdown - call blitz, drift and the defenders must run and touch the appropriate line. • The coach may also give players numbers in order to call specific defenders to leave the defence line which will create the need for defence to realign quickly. • Attackers must face the other way and attack when the ball is rolled from behind them. • On the coach’s call, the attack turn and the closest attacker picks up the ball and plays. • This ensures the coach can vary each player’s role and make the defence react. • Coach can then develop game by giving a visual clue to the defenders thus making the attackers react to an unexpected type of defence. Key Coaching Points • Visual Acuity-Looking for space. • Spatial awareness. • Highlighting defensive systems and attacking them appropriately. • Decision making. Relevance to the Game • This game is excellent for visual acuity and attacking differing defensive alignments. • Spaces are created by the leaving defenders, which the attackers have to identify
Skill Practice Description • Attacking team face away from defenders before play commences. • Attackers spread or grouped in any formation. • Defenders split (unseen by attack) between pitch A & B. • Coach calls “turn” and introduces the ball to the attack who turn to scan the distribution of the defence and attack whichever pitch they choose. • Defenders on the pitch not being attacked cannot cross over to help defend. • If the attack breaks down, the defence gain bonus point. • If attackers choose to attack the area with the most defenders and still score - gain a bonus point. • Progression: • Allow the defenders in the area not being attacked to move across to support the other defence. Perhaps make the secondary defence go deeper around a cone. • Vary the space before game starts between attack and defence - more or less time for the attackers. • Allow defence to recover the ball to counter attack. Key Coaching Points • Reward close and immediate support of the ball carrier in and around contact area. • Defenders deny space and time to the numerically superior attack
A simple game of touch rugby with more players on the attacking team, and the defenders are required to retreat 5m after each touch. This should give more opportunities to the attackers and promote quick decision-making.
Skill Practice Description The objective of this game is to develop the ability to execute the 2 v 1 with consistent efficiency. • The attacking team initially has at least one extra players in order to create an advantage. • There is a channel on each wing in which only 1 defender and 2 attackers may enter at any time. • The attack works the play to get the ball into the outside channel then execute the 2 v 1. • With the extra players, the attack can also develop opportunities to penetrate the defence and so the game in not relying on lateral moment and still incorporates the principles of ‘go forward’. • The progression is to remove the cones and see if the players can still take advantage of the 2 v 1 without the conditions set within the channelled areas . • A further progression would be to even the numbers of each team. Key Coaching Points • Running lines to condense and hold defences in order to outflank. • Running lines in order to disrupt and penetrate the defence line. Relevance to the Game • Attacking players often fail to fix defenders effectively and may drift or over elaborate. • This game will assist in angles of run that fix the last defender
A warm up or starting 360 game where players can attack in any direction. This game is the basis to for coaches to then add numerous conditions based upon the focus of the session
A counter attack invlving moving the ball wide quickly, then attack defenders with support runners and finally a 2 v 1 to score in the corner. Key factors : Strong communication - Wide spin passes - Attacking the space around defenders - Support the ball carrier from behind - Offload with two hands - straight running - Flat pass
A few drills that will help the attackers identify space in attack and work on how to exploit it!
A turnover from a strong tackle and quick "Jackle" where the defender uses the momentum of the attacking player to swimg up onto his feet and contest the ball, this results in a line break. Key factors : Tackle technique - Urgency to get up to feet - Core strength - Speed
The sides are now even and the players can tackle, but not attempt to steal the ball. Again, the defence must retreat 5m, giving the attackers opportunities.
A variety of passes create a 2 v 1 which is executed perfectly for the outside attacker to score. Key factors : Different angles of running and support - Comunication - Ball presentation - Effective clearing of defenders at the breakdown - Accurate wide passes - Attack the inside shoulder of the last defender - Flat spin pass
Develop decision-making skills in attack. 3 attackers must beat 2 defenders, before facing a third immediately after.
Outside centres who have great attacking awareness and distribution skills are integral to teams who like to exploit quick ball by going wide. If these players are only able to run hard lines, then there are going to be missed opportunities out wide. Here, we highlight some great passing and attack play in the Premiership, as well as some ideas for you to use with your players.
Consistency throughout a team can be very important for its success. You can have several very talented players, but if they are all taking a different approach to the game, they are not likely to be successful. Top teams will determine their style of rugby and find the right players to play to that style.
This game allows your attack to experiment whilst working on communication, reloading for depth and handling skills. With an attacking overload this will also work on your defence communication and organisation in phase play.
A scrum half needs good vision, speed and awareness, quick hands and lightning reactions. The scrum half is the key link between the forwards and the back line. A good scrum half will know how to vary the play and take advantage of any opportunity that the opposition may offer
The fly half is the heart beat of the side and should be a key influence on the way the team plays the game. Almost every attack will go through the fly half, so they need to develop tactical awareness, accurate passing, kicking accuracy, vision, leadership and resilience
A scrum half needs good vision, speed and awareness, quick hands and lightning reactions. The scrum half is the key link between the forwards and the back line. A good scrum half will know how to vary the play and take advantage of any opportunity that the opposition may offer
The fly half is the heart beat of the side and should be a key influence on the way the team plays the game. Almost every attack will go through the fly half, so they need to develop tactical awareness, accurate passing, kicking accuracy, vision, leadership and resilience
A development of the 2 v 1 and 3 v1 drills, the attackers now must beat 2 defenders. This requires more decision-making ability as the movements of the defenders could change every time. Players must communicate as well as continue to perform their handling and running skills.
A progression from the 1 v 1 drill this exercise adds extra players to make the decision making process more realistic. The coaches can vary the delivery of the ball and the width of the area to put different conditions to the players