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QBE - Identifying Space to Attack

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Okay, just going to play a game that helps us focus on communication and looking at which of the most appropriate areas to attack. We've got two channels here a wide one from these cones to the wide cones there and a narrow one from these cones to the touchline. The attackers are going to spread and they're going to be facing that way when I say go The Defenders will go into whichever Channel they want. All right, when I say play you turn and you have to attack and score over that line there, but Defenders have to stay in whichever Channel they choose to go in first of all. pipe score Finish it off. Well, I don't know who do okay attackers. Tell me how many people were in that channel when you turn around how many so there was just one in a who was that Defender? Okay, but we attacked this way to where the majority of the Defenders were. So what can we do to help each other out and attack where we've got a nice space? We've got to start talking either one you tell whoever gets the ball where to go. Yeah, and you're going to help communicate with each other. All right. So communication is talking but its listening as well. Alright, so let's turn it around. We're going to attack that way again if I go moving to your channels, Taco Bell Finish it up. Well done.