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Expert - John Neal - Teams

John Neal discusses the attributes that make an effective team.

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Whether you work in business for in sports, one of the key factors is the effectiveness of a team and for some time now, we've been working very hard to try and identify if there are any real components that will enable a coach and manager chief executive to develop their team when there is pressure around and to try and help them create some comfort in chaos this process that we've identified through research. We have called Ten P or the temp processes of effective teamwork. It's not just the way the team works with the way it operates the way it takes its ideas out to the market or to the opposition. So first of all, we'll just give you the headline 10 processes number one is to clearly identify the team's purpose to look at the mission to look at the vision to look at the values and the underlying behaviors second p is to develop a clear strategy and articulated Paradise plan third P identifying the way in which the culture operates in sport. We might call this the coaching philosophy and the plane philosophy in business. We've called it. The way things are done around here. The next p is in the ability to measure the performance of the people within the team a performance management process very popular in business less popular in sport, but absolutely essential to team performance. The next area is to identify who are at the heart of the team the core coaching group or the called leadership group that will be dependent on sport or business, but certainly identifying those core people who are at the center of the team for me any team that fails typically fails not because of any problems at the outside of the team, but because of a fracture in the middle of the team and that core coaching team that leadership team has to be tight has to have agreed values and behaviors and processes. The next process that's important is to clearly clarify. What is the organizational structure who reports to who who is where and how we come together? Analysis is the next p the ability to analyze not just what has gone in the past. But what is likely to happen in the future is a key component. So the ability to articulate how do we analyze past? How do we analyze future is very important? One of the key things that tends to cause friction within a t is the way in which people are selected and deselected. Now, this is the case whether in business or in sport, it's very important to upfront articulate. How do we select how do we do select and what are the criteria upon which that is based so that if there is someone who feels unhappy about being selected or deselected they know why and it's clear to them. They also know why how they can get reselected. The next key area is to understand. What are the skills required by every member of the team not just the call coaching group or the leadership group, but every member is vitally important that if you're a member of the team, you know, what is expected of you the final process that we suggest in team Effectiveness is sustainability and sustainability is all about how do we develop our people to make sure they stay at the top of the game. How do we recruit? What sort of people are we looking for? Now? These peas don't go in a linear process they spin around and they move organically changing all the time. The key is to articulate these tempies to discuss and debate them and to document them and to constantly update that document to make sure it's a living document that works.