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Line Speed Game

Use this great game to work on your team’s line speed and spacing. Reward the defence for moving the defence back and punish them for passive defence.

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We'll just walk it through it's a little game rugby league the rules of these. You've got the ball. You're playing touch. Yeah, so make the touch bang stop there. As soon as you're touched. You must walk back Five Paces when making fairly small cuz I'm going straight just come back 1 2 3 4 5 then you play the ball Meanwhile your team will go back to wherever I say the on Sidelines. Okay there. Okay take him back on me on me. Is there was a good defensive to his you of site complete play it go and get them go and get em go get em go on get in get in get in. Get up. Get up. Get up. Get up. Get up. You're all this and I will upon okay that tackle then take it back. Here it is. They had an overlap. So I'm gonna give them some space. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I miss but the principle is you have to get off the line and the aim is to keep them going backwards and push them back and push them back and play their their tackle their back to me back to me. So now they got plenty of space to attack. Yeah. Yeah good this back to me. That's it. Good. Good line speed great defense. Are we going to give you the benefit? Yeah. Dominating them the you dominate the are we got them? Yeah. Okay. So, can you see how I'm rewarding depend depending on what the defense does if they get get off the line and win the Collision here? I'll reward them by not making them go very fast drop somebody threw a whole get black so ready play play dropping through. Okay now tactic make that cover tackle their bank, right? All right, easy fella so the metal I'm break, right. So now you're still going to go back five, but now I'm going to really punish you guys for yeah you Keep coming good. Now you can see so now they got loads of time to play so you can you can put in the all incentives. So I've said two minutes you're going to defend and the reason I do that is just to get them fatigue what we talked about in there. Can they keep their discipline and their structure and shape when they're fatigued your turn for 2 minutes then we break for quick water break back into it. But as you develop it you can say, okay, so if you shut it down, Down on three less than three passes without breaking the shape you get the ball, you know, so you can just throw in little incentives like that.