Trying to copy or mirror the movements of your training partners works on both your attacking and defensive skills, small steps and fast feet are terms and techniques used to improve the players movement. In this exercise a unit of forwards trains with focus but in a fun and competitive environment
"Quick hands" is a term used regularly in rugby and relates to a players ability to move the ball quickly. This fun exercise pressures one player to move two balls in different directions
Children are naturally competitive and will engage more in training exercises that include a competitive edge. This challenges their skills under pressure and creates excitement and fun
Use as either part of your warm up or as a breakout, this exercise is a high intensity passing challenge. Encourage your players to take ownership of this grid and manage the intensity themselves. Should create lots of fun
All athletes and especially sprinters use agility drills to get the body ready for speed training. Tom Varndell outlines some of the essential techniques players go through before the sprinting starts. You MUST WARM UP