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CCRU Game - Hare and Hounds

Description of activity: Arrange the players so one player in each pair has the ball. The players stand next to each other, inside the marked out working area, with the rest of the group. On the call of go the ball carrier tries to lose his partner. After a short while, the coach blows his whistle to stop all the players. All of the players must stand still and not move their feet. If the hounds can tag the hair, without moving their feet all going off balance, the hound gains a point–if not, their hair games the point. You can now reverse the roles. This can be repeated a number of times and each individual should keep their own score

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Now what I want you do is authentic partner is hairs are going to have the ball. Okay, when I say go the hares and hounds are going to move the hairs are going to try and get away from the hounds when I say freeze whenever you understand where they are. Okay, the hounds are going to try and take the tag if they're close enough. Okay, they have to stay nice and wide they can take the tag from the hair. They get one point if they can't they don't get a point. Okay to understand what? Hey negative ready? Okay, here we go. Yo. freeze hands reach for the tag. Can we reach hands up if you got a tag well done. You scored a point good work. These are some good footwork there. Did anyone run into anyone? Okay, you think evasion is about running into each other? No think evasion is about finding the space getting away. Exactly. So we're going to swap. So Blues are going to become hairs and whites are going to become hand so to find a bit of space. Okay, we ready. side-by-side go freeze, can we take the tag without falling over just