To develop handling
The Wasps coaches use a mixture of games and drills to develop the passing skills of young players. Players are encouraged to respond to questions. Games are used to improve the learning experience
Some useful exercises for scrum-halves to develop their passing skills.
To develop the Miss Pass
This video takes you through the basics of why and how we pass in Rugby! Use these explanations and simple progressions to help your players.
This video takes you through the basics of why and how we pass in Rugby! Use these explanations and simple progressions to help your players.
If a miss pass is used, the passer and the player missed, are no longer primary theats
However they may become primary threats again if they take up support lines
To develop the core passing skills
Accuracy of passing can make the difference between finished chances or missed opportunities. In this video, Northampton Saints look at developing passing accuracy through games and focused exercises. Log in to see the full sessions. uses cookies
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